Robin Jasper
Birding & photography
Allenspark, CO
Robin Jasper Wildlife Photography
Artist Biography:
Robin is a retired veterinary pathologist with a passion for wildlife and wild places.
Since retiring in 2015, she has combined her love of animals with her interest in
photography into an all-consuming hobby. Robin and her husband, Wayne, split their
time between their home in Loveland and their cabin in Allenspark, where they
enjoy watching the many birds they attract to their property with over 30 bird
feeders. Although she finds birds particularly challenging and rewarding to
photograph, her subjects include moose, elk, deer, bighorn sheep, mountain goats,
whales, jaguars, and polar bears. Robin and Wayne have traveled extensively
together to photograph birds and other wildlife in their natural habitats, being
careful not to disturb the animals by keeping sufficient distance and using long
lenses. Spending time in nature and sharing a quiet moment of connection with
animals while capturing images is a source of great joy.